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Sunday, 21 July 2013

Senators Without Libido

I have suspended blogging for some time now and a number of friends have asked what is responsible. On few occasions, I'd lied it's my very busy schedule. But sincerely, I got tired of writing for and about educated illiterates. I feel I am so bottled up that one day I will result to verbally assaulting even the Ass Holes who sit in Ass-hole rock or frustrated up to raining curses on members of the 'hollow' chambers: for they are excellencies without the slightest iota of excellence and honourables pathetically bankrupt in honour and chivalry. 

The latest sacrilege - yes... for that is what it is - about the Senate's shameful resolution to retain section 29 (4) (b) of the 1999 constitution; under which a married underage girl is deemed to be an adult is for me, an issue that can only crop up when the paedophilias of the senate have lost even the manhood with which they intend to penetrate between the laps of infant  girls whom they are big enough to be grand fathers. The senate of the federal republic has lost it!

For it is not difficult for MEN; I mean those with functional Libidos, to stand and say NO to a despicable law. For we, the people of Nigeria, would have applauded Hon. Bipi: the self acclaimed speaker of the River State Assemble, if he had organised a Kangaroo sitting of three members of his family and impeached the Senate President for allowing this to be discussed on the floor of his house - trust me, we won't mind a state house of assemble displacing a senate in this case. For we, the people of Nigeria, would have been happy if Hon. Lloyd who battered his colleague with the mace at the Rivers Assemble had invaded the senate and broke the heads of the propagators of this condemnable law. That is what men with real libidos will do in this case; and we will forgive them for throwing decorum to the winds.

I repeat, our senate has lost it! The senate of this nation is never counted at times that matter. And with this recent development, I totally understand why: the senate is bereft of men sound enough to convince an adult for a fling, talkless of a marriage. That is why they have taken solace in sleeping with ladies they can buy with their fat, unholy salaries and when they need women at home, they are considering minors, to whom they intend to act as lords and personal saviours. Or why will a full-grown man want to have carnal knowledge of a girl whom he can father? #Agbayaism (Big for Nothingness)!

At a time when over 10 million Nigerian children, of which the girl-child is the most affected are out of school; is it difficult to conclude that the devil has eaten the soul of our senate? Rather than give these girls "PEN senators intend to give them PENIS; rather than give them BOOKS, our leaders (fathers to some of us) are asking little girls for their BOOBS; rather than EDUCATION senators are interested in EJACULATION" (apologies to SYG Graphics). Sad, very sad.

Finally, I have also been discouraged about writing largely for the perception of readers. My heart bleeds when I read news paper stories and articles and I see readers' comments (and you will want to curse the devil if you read what some people are currently writing or saying about this #ChildNotBride campaign). It opens me up more to why we are ruled the way we are ruled and we may continue to have the type of these current senators if all things are equal about the way we think. Many have fingered religion in this matter, a number of people have ethicised it and a few have been dispassionate about the socio-cultural and political inclinations. What is important however is that the names of senators who have signed this bill are in circulation. Senators or law makers are representative of their people and if the people they represent keep mute about this matter, it is then arguable that they are complicit in the matter and have also sold their souls to Lucifer.

If the concern people can't call their senators to order or ask them to impregnate all the children in their constituencies; then I plead that they should save the remnants of our sanctity as a people.

For me, next time we should find men with Libidos, yes, real libido!

I am @Olu_sesan on twitter    



Ned said...

Lovely write up..we as a people can only hope and pray for God to raise up someone to lead a holy revolution in our Nation Nigeria..but it begins with you and I. If we can engineer change in our immediate environment, we'll be better of for it in the long-run..Ned

Anonymous said...

This has always been my desire - when we will all fed up of the way we are ruled.But no, a lot of us have given in to blandishment. I don't any revolution - holy or unholy - soon.

Anonymous said...

This is really very sad. My heart aches for this girl and many others in the same boat or who will be. This is a worthy case for a public protest. It should not only be when money -salary increament and all sorts- is a stake that we should stand up to our so-called rulers. I say rulers because that's what they are. We do not have leaders. and sincerely, i am afraid we are not likely to have tham in the nearest future.
Yes i agree. Nigeria has lost it, the SENATE HAS LOST IT. This is so illiterate. Please how can all these men and women who i presume have passed through the four walls of a school think so narrowly. Are these men think with the right organ. Please, I beg to ask. Men, do you think with your organ. Because that seem to be the only way they have arrived at such a decision to bring such a bill to the "hallowed" chamber. What fellow with conscience would want to sell young girls into perpetual slavery. What joy is there to derive in adding a child to the "numbers of wives" they already have.
This is unthinkable. This is like a dream.
This goes to show, as i have been suspecting all along, that the calibre of people i see on tv making up the houses of assembly and senate are not good enough. Though, educated, some they deal with issues unintellectually.
Well, I can go on and on but i need to rest my case before i begin to curse and insult on olusesan's blog.
Oh Nigeria!

Unknown said...

I was reading this last comment and could not really explain how I was feeling until the last line... is someone going to curse our leaders again? Cursing them again is like boiling their souls and giving it to devil for a feast.

olubukola Williams said...

Good one