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Sunday, 21 July 2013

Senators Without Libido

I have suspended blogging for some time now and a number of friends have asked what is responsible. On few occasions, I'd lied it's my very busy schedule. But sincerely, I got tired of writing for and about educated illiterates. I feel I am so bottled up that one day I will result to verbally assaulting even the Ass Holes who sit in Ass-hole rock or frustrated up to raining curses on members of the 'hollow' chambers: for they are excellencies without the slightest iota of excellence and honourables pathetically bankrupt in honour and chivalry. 

The latest sacrilege - yes... for that is what it is - about the Senate's shameful resolution to retain section 29 (4) (b) of the 1999 constitution; under which a married underage girl is deemed to be an adult is for me, an issue that can only crop up when the paedophilias of the senate have lost even the manhood with which they intend to penetrate between the laps of infant  girls whom they are big enough to be grand fathers. The senate of the federal republic has lost it!