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Friday, 20 April 2012

President Jonathan Responds to Times Magazine Listing

President Goodluck Jonathan has responded to Times Magazine for naming him as the 62nd most influential person in the world. Read his response has posted on his facebook page and comment if it is well deserved honour or not....

"My attention has been drawn to a publication in
the highly influential Time Magazine on my
inclusion in this year’s edition of ‘The 100 Most
Influential People in the World’ list.

 As the list is
compiled from votes received from the public, I
am humbled by this gesture and would want to thank all Nigerians, Africans and citizens of the
world who voted for my inclusion in the 2012 list.
Let me also thank Time Magazine for this worthy
project intended to encourage and inspire readers
to work for a better world. To me this is a vote of
confidence and also a pointer to what is possible in our country and our continent.

This honour,
unexpected as it is, only inspires me to redouble
my efforts at implementing the
Transformational Agenda and rededicating
myself to the task of leading Nigeria to fulfill her
potential as one of the world’s leading economies in the not too distant future. Regardless of
distractions, our relentless pursuit to secure life
and property;

the provision of electricity for
human and industrial use; access to quality
education and health for our citizens; rebuilding
and providing needed infrastructure; the fight against corruption and poverty; self-sufficiency
in basic food among others for our people shall
remain our focus.

Once again I thank you. GEJ Read Johnson Sirleaf’s (President of Liberia) write
on Jonathan for Time Magazine… Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan exemplifies the
African political renaissance at a time when the
people of the continent are starting to reap the
fruit of their resources and their hard work.
President Jonathan, 54, possesses the qualities
needed at this moment of great challenges, having come to power at a crucial moment in the
history of Nigeria. The country has grown out of
its past of corruption, mismanagement and
brutality, but the foundation of good
governance is still fragile.

In two short years, President Jonathan has shown
the same dexterity he demonstrated as governor
of Bayelsa, the same ability to find the remedies
to the many complexities of running a nascent
democracy. He has spearheaded the fight against
corruption and turned Nigeria into an example of good governance. He has also made a
significant impact on consolidating peace and
security in West Africa. From the onset of our
own crisis, Liberia has benefitted from the
support of Nigeria. President Jonathan not only
upheld the trend but added to it. With leaders like President Jonathan, Africa is sure to move toward
prosperity, freedom and dignity for all of its

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